Resources and References


Resources and References. On this page, you'll find a list of professional organizations, books, lectures, and films or movies on bad male behavior. Photo of man looking at books.

Here is a list of resources and references on bad male behavior that we have found helpful. The information contained here isn’t meant to be exhaustive. It exists to give you a brief glimpse into our research on what bad male behavior is, its many forms, and how it affects the individual and society, both internally and externally.

If you’ve found a useful resource that isn’t indicated here, add it in the comments below or send us an email, and we’ll take a look. We are always searching for great books, organizations, articles, and other educational selections to add to our growing list of resources and references on all aspects of bad male behavior.

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Understanding Masculinity and Raising Awareness:

The Good Men Project

The Good Men Project was founded by Tom Matlack in 2009, to collect stories about the defining moments in men’s lives. In all the stories there was a moment when each man “woke up, looked in the mirror and said ‘I thought I knew what it meant to be a man… and be good.” These stories change both the writer and the reader. 

The Centre for Male Psychology United Kingdom:

The Centre for Male Psychology is an independent social enterprise organization dedicated to advancing the academic discipline of male psychology and communicating findings to the wider society. And to encourage the advancement of the discipline of male psychology, resulting in a better-informed psychology of males, both for the benefit of men and boys and for the greater good of the society we all share.

Voice Male Magazine:

Voice Male chronicles the social transformation of masculinity. Beginning as a newsletter for one of the earliest men’s centers in North America, it evolved into a magazine exploring critical issues relevant to men’s growth and health while cataloguing the damaging effects of men’s isolation and violence.

Men Alive:

Men Alive was founded by Jed Diamond, a recognized professional, as a health program that helps men live long and well. Though focused on men’s health, Men Alive is also for women who care about the health of the men in their lives.


Movember is a group that runs an annual event involving the growing of moustaches during the month of November to raise awareness of men’s health issues, such as prostate cancer, testicular cancer, and men’s suicide.

Men’s Mental and Medical Health:

National Anger Management Association:  

The National Anger Management Association (NAMA) is the international professional association (represented in 21 countries) for the fields of anger management, crisis intervention and domestic violence. Membership levels (Member, Fellow, Diplomate) are open to any anger management, crisis intervention or domestic violence professional. Specialist certification for anger management (CAMS), crisis intervention (CCIS) and domestic violence (CDVS) are offered to individuals completing the NAMA authorized training programs.

American Psychological Association (APA):

1) APA issues first-ever guidelines for practice with men and boys. General article. Psychologists emphasize that it is important to encourage pro-social aspects of masculinity.

2) APA Guidelines for Psychological Practice with Boys and Men. The American Psychological Association (APA) has developed guidelines for psychologists to understand and to work with men boys and men.

3) Redefining masculinity – American Psychological Association. American society socializes boys and men to conform to a definition of masculinity. Three psychologists strive to build a “better” man. This is an article of their program.

Private Substance Abuse and Alcohol Treatment Programs

Southeast Addiction Center:

Southeast Addiction Center offers a list of the top 50 resources to support black men who are struggling with addiction or mental illness.

Live Another Day:

Live Another Day believes in equal access to life-saving mental health and substance use resources. This website provides extensive information on the best resources available.

Detox Local:

Detox Local is an excellent resource that features abundant information including mental health and substance use resources specifically for the AAPI (American Asian and Pacific Islander) community.

Men’s Addiction Treatment Center in Illinois

Northern Illinois Recovery Center offers professional support and treatment for men who suffer from alcohol or drug addiction. 

Alcohol-Related Issues

National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism – Research, statistics, and information on drinking and its impact.

How to Help Someone with Alcohol Addiction – Resource for dealing with alcohol abuse and addiction.

How to Know if You’re Addicted – Assessing and deciding if you’re have a problem. The role of Detoxification.

Abuse & Domestic Violence:

National Health Resource Center on Domestic Violence:

National Health Resource Center on Domestic Violence has supported health care professionals, domestic violence experts, survivors, and policy makers at all levels as they improve health care’s response to domestic violence.

Domestic Violence Facts, Types & Effects:

Domestic Violence Facts, Types & Effects Article with an overview of domestic violence.

Domestic Violence Resources by The Recovery Village. Definition, signs, types, mixed with substance abuse and interventions.

Research: Women’s Safety Around the World by SafetyDetectives

Personal safety is a basic human right that no one should have to live without. Unfortunately, at least 50% of the world’s population faces threats to their personal safety every day. Women of all ages and backgrounds are constantly dealing with unsafe situations, whether when walking home alone, riding in taxis, or simply existing in public places. To help raise awareness and shed light on this issue, we decided to research countries around the world to see which are the safest and most dangerous for women, in terms of the number of crimes committed against them and the laws protecting them.


  1. Why Young Men: Rage, Race and the Crisis of Identity. Jamil Jivani. Member of the Canadian House of Commons. An excellent book that explains the reasons and solutions for why young men act criminally.
  2. Men’s Reading List: 34 Books About Being a Man. You’ll never grow as a man only reading things that flatter your pre-existing notions! So if you’re a man who’s looking to learn more about both the fun and serious sides of manliness, I hope this list can be a resource for books to pick up, study, and enjoy.
  3. Management of Aggressive Behavior: A Comprehensive Guide to Learning How to Recognize, Reduce, Manage and Control Aggressive Behavior. Roland Oulette. ISBN-13: 978-1879411227 ISBN-10: 1879411229
  4. Why Does He Do That? Inside the Minds of Angry and Controlling Men. Lundy Bancroft, 2003. In this groundbreaking bestseller, Lundy Bancroft—a counselor who specializes in working with abusive men—uses his knowledge about how abusers think to help women recognize when they are being controlled or devalued in a relationship, and to find ways to get free of abuse.
  5. Learning to Live Without Violence A Handbook for Men. Daniel Jay Sonkin, Ph.D and Michael Durphy, M.D. Volcano Press, 1989. Workbook with exercises for men to help them work through anger constructively and change their behavior within an intimate relationship. Includes starting a self-help group.
  6. The Abusive Personality Violence and Control in Intimate Relationships. Donald Dutton. Physical violence may be the most overt manifestation of relationship abuse, but maltreatment of intimate partners takes many other forms as well. This integrative work explores the nature of male abusiveness by focusing on the development of a particular personality constellation–one that is easily threatened, jealous, and fearful, and that masks these emotions with anger and demands for control. Presenting results of controlled research with over 400 batterers, Dutton shows that many abusers exhibit high levels of trauma symptoms. This symptomatology is cogently linked to elements of childhood experience including witnessing of violence, the use of shaming techniques by parents, and insecure attachment; and, in turn, to such characteristics as terror of abandonment and the inability to regulate one’s emotions or deal with conflict effectively. A concluding chapter focuses on treatment.
  7. The Macho Paradox Why Some Men Hurt Women and How All Men Can Help. Jackson Katz. With integrity and courage, he has taken his message–that the epidemic of violence against women is a men’s issue–into athletic terms, the military and frat houses across the country. His book explains carefully and convincingly why–and how–men can become part of the solution, and work with women to build a world in which everyone is safer.
  8. Violent No More Helping Men End Domestic Abuse. Michael Paymar, Hunter House, 1993. Written by a training coordinator at the Duluth Domestic Abuse Intervention Project, this guide uses stories of both previously violent men and abused women, cultural explanations and self-help exercises to help men dealing with the issue of domestic violence change their behavior.
  9. Great Big Book Of Horrible Things. Matthew White, WW Norton, 2011. Written by Matthew White, a librarian. This celebrated and often referenced book, ranks the hundred worst atrocities of mankind based on the number of deaths. It is encyclopedic, but accessible with interesting and witty text. Albeit, Matthew White disclaims a common theme or cause, Bad Male Behavior Project may provide one in the form of male “destructive self-interest” – the cause of much of bad male behavior. -Richard Templeton
  10. Inside the Criminal Mind. Stanton Samenow, Crown, 2014. A brilliant, authoritative profile of the criminal mind, newly updated in 2022 to include the latest research, effective methods for dealing with hardened criminals, and an urgent call to rethink criminal justice from expert witness Stanton E. Samenow, Ph.D.
  11. “Utterly compelling reading, full of raw insight into the dark mind of the criminal.”—John Douglas, author of the #1 New York Times bestseller Mind Hunter
  12. The Anatomy of Violence: The Biological Roots of Crime. Adrian Raine, Pantheon Books, 2013. Author Adrian Raine presents the growing body of evidence that shows how genetics and environmental influences can conspire to create a criminal brain, and how something as seemingly innocent as a low resting heart rate can give rise to a violent personality. Bristling with ingenious experiments, surprising data, and shocking case studies, this is also a clear-eyed inquiry into the thorny ethical issues this science raises about prevention and punishment. 
  13. 14 Most Toxic Male Characters Of All Time In Books. There are plenty of stand up guys in literature (well, there are a few), but there are also plenty of male characters, both heroes and villains, who embody the very worst of toxic masculinity. So here are some the most toxic male characters in all of literature. By Charlotte Ahlin
  14. 9 Classic Books With Toxic Male Characters — And What To Read Instead. If you want to create a balanced summer reading list, here are nine classic books with toxic male characters — and what to read instead if you’re looking for a little less misogyny and volatility. By Sadie Trombetta
  15. Better Angels of our Nature: Why Violence Has Declined. Steven Pinker, 2013. A historical and factual summary of the history of human violence.
  16. The Good Country Equation: How We Can Repair the World in One Generation. Simon Anholt, Berrett-Koehler, 2020. Why doesn’t the world work? Why, despite all the power, technology, money and knowledge that humanity has accumulated, are we are still unable to defeat global challenges like climate change, war, poverty, migration, extremism, and inequality? Anholt hit on the Good Country Equation, a formula for encouraging international cooperation and reinventing education for a globalized era. Anholt insists we can change the way countries behave and the way people are educated in a single generation–because that’s all the time we have.


  1. The Masculinity Revolution and the New Man by Simon Fokt. PhD. A good summary of issue and altitude for men for the future.
  2. Brutalized children become brutal adults. Most people find the thought of criminals who use physical or sexual violence frightening and repellent, so it takes a special kind of psychologist to have the courage and skills to make these people less dangerous, to – in effect – defuse these ticking human bombs. By John Barry 
  3. Male power, privilege drive most abusers. At the root of most perpetrators’ decisions to abuse are deeply held beliefs about male power and privilege. By Emilie Munson 
  4. Brain Development and Physical Aggression by Lise Eliot who is a Professor of Neuroscience in the Department of Foundational Sciences and Humanities of the Chicago Medical School of Rosalind Franklin University. Published in The University of Chicago Press Journal on January 14, 2021.
  5. How ‘traditional masculinity’ hurts the men who believe in it most. Men were already perceived as the default, not needing individuated study. “Unless you’re in a men’s group, you’re probably not regularly reflecting on what it means to be male,” says Matt Englar-Carlson, who directs the Center for Boys and Men at California State University at Fullerton. “You’re probably just enacting it.” By Monica Hesse 
  6. The Psychology of Men. Most men don’t spend a lot of time thinking about what it means to them to be a man. That’s because in our society, being a man is an advantage, one that does not often invite self-reflection. And, even when men are interested in discussing such topics, they are often cautious to do so for fear of being perceived as politically incorrect and chauvinistic. By Tyger Latham, Psy.D. 
  7. FBI Crime Data Statistics. Crime data for the nation are derived from Summary Reporting System (SRS) and National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS) reports voluntarily submitted to the FBI.
  8. United Nations Crime Statistics. The Global Study on Homicide has been expanded into a special six-booklet format, five of which are dedicated to thematic areas relevant to the study of the ultimate crime.
  9. Quick Facts on Women Offenders from The United States Sentencing Commissions.
  10. 10 Things Men Can Do to Prevent Gender Violence by Jackson Katz
For more reading selections on the topic, view this list by Book Authority:


People & Talks:

10 Excellent Organizations and Advocates of healthy masculinity. Compiled by Ludo Gabriele

  1. 10 Notable Organizations: Promundo, A Call to Men, Inside to Men, The MenKind Project, Evryman, Sacred Son, The Cave of Adullam, The Man Cave, Next Gen Men, Brothers.
  2. The 10 Notable Advocates: Michaels Kimmel, Tony Porter, Gary Barker, Justin Baldoni, Jackson Katz, Mark Greene, Carlos Andrés Gómez, Wade Davis, Joe Ehrmann, Tom Keith.

Actor Justin Baldoni | Wikipedia

The American actor and film-maker Justin Baldoni makes a heartfelt call to redefine masculinity.

1) Why I’m done trying to be “man enough”

Eldra Jackson

In a powerful talk, educator Eldra Jackson III shares how he unlearned dangerous lessons about masculinity through Inside Circle, an organization that leads group therapy for incarcerated men. 

1) How I unlearned dangerous lessons about masculinity

Tony Porter | Website

Porter talks about growing up in New York and the tough world he was socialised in. One which, with its rules of toughness, dominance and superiority to women should be familiar to most men 

1) A call to men

Jackson Katz, Ph.D | Website

An internationally recognized anti-violence educator and activist.

1) Tough Guise: Violence, Media, and the Crisis in Masculinity. By acclaimed anti violence educator, Jackson Katz. He argues that the epidemic of male violence that plagues American society needs to be understood and addressed as part of a much larger cultural crisis in masculinity. Includes statistics and origins of bad male behavior. Challenging Media, 2006.

2) The Bystander Movement. Tells the story of one of the most prominent and proven of these models – the innovative bystander approach developed by pioneering activist and writer Jackson Katz and his colleagues. Media Education Foundation, 2018.

3) Jackson Katz CBS This Morning Interview. Jackson Katz discusses why violence against women is a men’s issue, what men can do to change the social norms of male culture, and why it’s crucial for men to speak up. CBS This Morning, 2018.

4) Jackson Katz Ted Talk: Violence Against Women — it’s a Men’s Issue. By acclaimed anti- violence educator, Jackson Katz. TED Conferences, 2012.

Jennifer Siebel Newsom | Website

She is an American documentary filmmaker and actress who is the first partner of California, as the wife of Governor Gavin Newsom. She is the director, writer, and producer of The Mask You Live In (2015), scrutinizes American society’s definition of masculinity.

1) The Mask You Live In (Trailer) – Powerful statement of the “male box.”

Ashanti Branch | Website

He’s an educator on a mission to change the way that students interact with their education and the way schools interact with students. His has focused on struggling youths, their identity, and moving forward in their lives.

1) The Masks we all wear – In this talk, Ashanti Branch shares a powerful message on how we often put on masks to survive, for fear of being vulnerable or misunderstood. What masks do you wear?

Michael Kimmel | Website

An American retired sociologist specializing in gender studies. He was Distinguished Professor of Sociology at Stony Brook University in New York and is the founder and editor of the academic journal Men and Masculinities.

Prager University Resources on Masculinity: Video with Interviews.

MIA: Masculinity in America.

Steven Pinker, Ph.D | Website

A world renowned expert and intellect.

1) History of Violence and Humanity. By Steven Pinker, a world renowned expert and Harvard professor presents a summary of violence throughout history based on his book, The Better Angels of our Nature. TedxNewEngland, 2012.

2) A lecture on his book, The Better Angels of our Nature: Why Violence has Declined. By the author of the book, Steven Pinker. Gifford Lectures, University of Edinburgh, 2013.

Jordan Peterson, Ph.D | Website

A Canadian clinical psychologist, media personality, author, and professor emeritus at the University of Toronto.

1) Evolutionary Psychologist Explains Why Women Fall For “Bad Boys”. Dr. David Buss and Dr. Jordan Peterson discuss Buss’ groundbreaking work in evolutionary psychology. Their conversation forays into human mating strategies, female preferences, dominance hierarchies, aggression, status, the dark triad (narcissism, Machiavellianism, and psychopathy), and much more.

Simon Anholt | Website

An honorary professor of political science, international policy and cultural engagement.

1) Simon Anholt Ted Talk: Which Country Does the Most Good for the World? By acclaimed policy advisor and author, Simon Anholt. TED Conferences, 2014.

2) Simon Anholt Interview on Good and Bad Countries Simon Anholt, founder of the Good Country Project, is interviewed by Richard Templeton, psychiatrist, of


1) Waitress, 2007. An American independent film starring Keri Russell as a young woman trapped in a small town, a loveless marriage, and a dead-end job, who faces an unwanted pregnancy.

2) What’s Love Got To Do With It?, 2012. Based on the life of the legendary soul singer, Tina Turner (Angela Bassett) — born Anna Mae Bullock — discovers her love of singing in her Tennessee church choir. She moves to St. Louis to pursue a career, and there she meets the charismatic Ike Turner (Laurence Fishburne), who rechristens her Tina and offers to help her succeed. As a musical team, Ike and Tina take the charts by storm. But as his physical abuse worsens, Tina has to make the tough decision to leave Ike and set out on her own.

3) Maid, 2021. Single mother Alex turns to housecleaning to make ends meet as she escapes an abusive relationship and overcomes homelessness to create a better life for her daughter, Maddy. Inspired by the New York Times Best-selling memoir by Stephanie Lan.

4) Enough, 2002. Working-class waitress Slim (Jennifer Lopez) finds her life transformed when she marries wealthy contractor Mitch. She settles into an idyllic suburban life and seems to have everything she wants. Her dream is shattered when she discovers her husband is anything but perfect. His abusive behavior forces her to go on the run, eluding an increasingly obsessive Mitch and his lethal henchman.

5) The 29 Most Toxic Male Characters In Movies, Hands Down. Toxic men are an epidemic both in the real world and in the movies. Just as we are in regular life, audiences are sometimes asked to identify with toxic men on the screen, as proven by these 29 toxic male movie protagonists. By Olivia Truffaut-Wong


1) 62 Songs About Men, Masculinity, and Being a Man, Spinditty 2019. A playlist of different genres.

2) It’s a Pose by Nellie McKay, 2004. A spirited song about male posturing and behavior performed on Late Night with Conan O’Brien.



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