Ownership & Human-Dominant Culture


     Our ownership and admission of our problem of the male sex is critical to limiting and eradicating bad male behavior. Our destructive days can be over, our future can be a new history. The time is now. We need to recognize our denial, rationalization, and minimization of our bad male behavior.

     There are not just some rotten apples, those apples are us. We are all from the same tree. We need to accept that the roots of the tree and the fruit of good and bad male behavior is a moral obligation. We as men are all responsible.

A Human-Dominant Culture

     The idea of a male-dominant culture is the problem versus a human-dominant culture. No dominance is the goal. Male behavior is largely about “I” (self and self-centered): “What I want”, “What I want you to do”, “How I am bigger and smarter than you.” With most women it’s about “We” (other and joint focused): “What should we do”, “What do you think”, and “How should we proceed” building consensus and cooperation.

What’s in it for me?

  • Self-improvement
  • Better relationships
  • Helping others improve themselves
  • Fostering growth and encouragement of others
  • Making a better world